
Discussions on Northern mythologies, runes, meditation, magick, sorcery

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Thursday Apr 19, 2012

Thursday Apr 19, 2012

Elder Futhark: Berkano, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Beorc, Younger Futhark: Bjarkan, Armanen Futhorc: Bar

The Rune Berkano is one of the “fertility” Runes (there are others) that deals with the energy of birth and death.  This Rune represents that sacred enclosure in which the hidden life comes forth into manifestation, or the life which has been led moves from the revealed world to the hidden realms.  Birth and death are both energetic transitions from one state to another.
It is important at this stage in our development of Rune meanings/uses to pause and understand the significance of this kind of energy.  The life of a person as an individual, or a collective soul of a people that has a kind of “consciousness” of its own as a group, is greatly influenced by this energy.  The decisions and actions of a person or group (creating orlog) are like a sexual act resulting in ‘conception”.  The results of orlog are not always evident immediately, but “gestate” over time to finally bring forth a result that is experienced in the life of the individual or group.  Berkano as such an energy holds trust with the Norns, as does Nauthiz and to some extent Jera (or yera).  It also holds congress with the energies of both the goddess Freyja and Frigg, as they are goddesses of passion, procreation and in the specific case of Frigg, “motherhood”.  There is also another goddess that holds connection to this Rune, and this is not discussed anywhere that I am aware of:  the goddess Hel.  Since the transition of Berkano refers to BOTH birth and death, on the side of death Hel is one to deal with, as she is the goddess of the realm called after her name “Hel”, which is NOT referring to a place of eternal punishment, by the way, but the realm of the dead aka: “the underworld”.
I mention these points, because the runic energies are NOT simply symbols drawn or carved on a surface and invoked!  The Runic energies ARE the vibrational “frequencies” of EVERYTHING in the multiverse.  The elementary powers, the specific runic energies, the endless combinations of the runic energies, ARE everything.  Hagal, in its “Mother Rune” form is like the icy crystal through which the undifferentiated energy of the original source is split apart into the various individuated vibrations that make up the multiverse.  The individuated energies are the individual Runes.  All Runes come forth from the “Mother Rune”.
Berkano is the energy of transition.  Ingwaz (another fertility Rune) may deal with virility and sexuality more directly, but Berkano is the energy that takes that, and makes it into something.  It is also the energy at the end of one’s incarnated life that causes the transition to “the other side” to coin a phrase.  There are Runes that are used in aggressive magick to CAUSE death, but the energy that is the gateway FOR THE ONE who dies, is Berkano.  The same is said for the child being born INTO the world, and for the collective soul of a people that either wakes up to BE, or passes into the darkness of memory.
In divination Berkano can signify positively the birth of a child, (actual or coming soon!), the gestation and soon transition of plans or ideas into manifested reality, or the atmosphere being provided where such things can effectively occur.
Negatively, this Rune can signify (especially if in conjunction with Othila) the coming death of a loved one.  It can also if ill dignified refer to plans being circumvented, or not well thought out enough to bring success.
Magickally, Berkano can be used to bring silence or secrecy to one’s plans/actions.  It can be used in conjunction with Ingwaz to inspire the conception of a child (literally) and in the sense of the collective soul of a people, to gestate the awakening of the group consciousness!
Negatively, Berkano if used in its Younger Futhark relationship with Yrr can be truly unpleasant indeed, and very dishonourable for the practitioner if not used for justified reasons in the eyes of the gods!  It can be used in reverse form to expose hidden secrets, and cause “sterility” in both physical and spiritual essences.

I trust you can see how this Rune can be positively used in the focus to awaken the collective soul of our folk.  If used with Tyr (Tiwaz) and Oss (Ansuz) it can become a powerful energetic resonance to wake up our people to higher truth and consciousness.  I am including a glyph of this combination on this post, and if YOUR desire is to see this awakening truly occur, post it on your website or your page Facebook or anything else, where it can be seen.  When you look at it yourself, feel the longing you have for the awakening of our people.  This is the reason for this site, the Asatru & Ancient Runes sessions, the building of our fledgling Hearth (Har’s Hall) in Edmonton.  Our people need to remember who they really are, before WE fade into the darkness of memory.
This glyph combines Tiwaz, Berkano, and Ansuz.

The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:
The poplar bears no fruit; yet without seed it brings forth suckers,
For it is generated from its leaves.
Splendid are its branches and gloriously adorned
Its lofty crown which reaches to the skies.
The Norwegian Rune Poem:
Birch has the greenest leaves of any shrub,
Loki was fortunate in his deceit.

The Icelandic Rune Poem:
Birch twig is a kafy limb,
And a little tree,
And a youthful wood.

Until next time….

Tiwaz, Tiw, Tyr

Friday Mar 23, 2012

Friday Mar 23, 2012

Elder Futhark: Tiwaz,  Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Tiw,  Younger Futhark: Tyr, Armanen Futhorc: Tyr

This Rune is sacred to the god Tyr, who was the bravest and boldest of the gods.  His greatest story is the one where he lost his hand to the Fenrir wolf when he had put it in the wolf’s jaws as a pledge as the gods bound him.  The Rune Tyr, or Tiwaz, also holds the martial qualities and honourable focus found in the god Tyr.  We are told by the Valkyrie Sigridufimal (Brynhild) to carve Tyr twice on the sword for victory in battle, which of course also assumes the “moral righteousness” of the battle being fought.  This Rune not only references victory, battle and the god Tyr, but the consciousness that has persevered through the initiatory process to the connection point to the “higher self” or the “Fetch” aspect of the soul complex.  This is the person that now with boldness and victory walks through the world of cause and effect with the power of their free will, acting and evolving rather than reacting under the false assumption that they are under the control of circumstance.
In divination this Rune can signify that one is on the right track to achieving their goals, as they are indeed in unity with their Wyrd.  That the actions they are taking are good orlog.  Conflict or challenges may arise on the path to the conclusion of the process, but as long as they hold true to themselves, victory or completion will be there for them honour intact.
When Tiwaz is ill dignified, a moment of pause is in order, as the matter at hand has an outcome that is grim!  It can mean that your actions are violating your own moral code, and that you are out of alignment with your Fetch.  In this circumstance, it can also mean that you are at risk of allowing yourself to be enslaved!
Magickally Tiwaz can be used to invoke victory in legal matters where the mundane is concerned (provided you are legitimately in the right).  In esoteric matters it can be used to ritually connect with your “Fetch”, and if used in conjunction with Eihwaz to communicate with the souls of departed ancestors.  Tiwaz, like the god Tyr, has the power to break through barriers and as long as it is honourable, to open doorways through the underworld.

The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:
Tiw is a guiding star; well does it keep faith with princes;
It is ever on its course over the mists of night and never fails.
The Norwegian Rune Poem:
Tyr is a one handed god;
Often has the smith to blow.

The Icelandic Rune Poem:
Tyr is the one handed god,
And the leavings of the wolf,
And the ruler of the temple.

Until next time!


Thursday Mar 08, 2012

Thursday Mar 08, 2012

Elder Futhark: Sowilo, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Sigel, Younger Futhark: Sol, Armanen Futhorc: Sig

The Rune Sol, or Sowilo, represents the “Ray of the Sun” which breaks down the ice and creates free flowing energy.  This Rune is precious to the goddess Sunna, the goddess of the Sun.  An important note here is that in the Northern Tradition the Sun is FEMININ and the Moon MASCULINE.  The energy of creation, expansiveness, and life was the sun, while the focus of cycles and the measurement of time belonged to the Moon who was related to the god Mani.  Meditation on the Rune poems regarding this stave will bear much fruit.

The energy of this Rune is the polar opposite of Isa, the Rune of Ice, stillness and non-motion.  Sowilo is the energy that is the excitement of movement, breaking free of inertia and penetrating into the depths of the layers of the universe.  It also has connotations of divine justice, the penetrating sword of the gods that cuts through all the decay of that which violates universal law.  The ancestors used to invoke this Rune among others, for victory in battle!  Tyr was also invoked for such purposes, but Sowilo was looked upon as champion energy for ultimate victory.

In divination this Rune tells us to break free of patterns of thinking that may no longer be useful to our evolution, or the matter at hand.  Think outside the box, and be open to the opportunities that are presenting themselves, however subtle they may be.  It may also be a call to be certain of the “rightness” of our actions in a given situation—that we are called upon to be true to our own moral compass.

Magickally Sowilo can be used to call forth the power necessary to achieve our goals (if they are just), and experience success in all realms of being—emotional, physical, and financial—depending on what Runes you use Sowilo with.  Each rune can be used individually, but the power is increased exponentially when Runes of a complimentary nature to your purpose are used TOGETHER either in a row, or combined into what is called a “bind Rune”.  This will be discussed in more detail after we are done with the basic definitions of the Rune Rows.

The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:
The Sun is ever a joy in the hopes of seafarers,
When they journey away over the fish’s bath,
Until the courser of the deep bears them to land.

The Norwegian Rune Poem:
Sun is the light of the world,
I bow to the divine decree.

The Icelandic Rune Poem:
Sun is the shield of the clouds,
And a shining glory,
And the lifelong sorrow of ice.

Until next time!


Tuesday Feb 28, 2012

Tuesday Feb 28, 2012

Elder Futhark: Elhaz/Algiz,  Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Eolh, Not present in the Younger or Armanen rows.  Is absorbed by the Runes Madhr, Man and Yrr respectively.

The Rune Elhaz is an important Rune which has both protective attributes and aspects of deep connection.  It is the energy invoked from the Elder and Anglo-Saxon rows for protection from both physical harm, and spiritual attack.  It can be used both in defensive and offensive ways, and is an energy that can wound both physically and spiritually.
It is also the Rune most associated with the Fylgia or “Fetch”.  This is the inner Valkyrie that is the part of the person’s complex that is the equivalent to the “holy guardian angel”, or the “daemon”—(fancy word for “higher genius”) in other systems.  This is the connection one must have in order to traverse the nine realms of the World Tree, and to achieve true enlightenment!
The method of achieving mastery of the Runes used by many is based on a process of meditation and use of each Rune in succession along the path of the aetts, thus granting one degrees of initiation into their mysteries.  My view and experience in regards to this method can be summed up in one word: BALLOCHS!
The Rune masters of old from  all appearances DID learn the Runes according to a progression through the Aetts, BUT they underwent an initiatory process PRIOR to their learning the in depth esoteric meanings behind the Rune staves.  The verses in the Havamal where we read of Odin’s self-sacrifice in winning the Runes, is a classic tale of shamanic initiation.  This would have given the budding Rune master the BACKDROP to the energetic powers of the Runes—the context in which they are to be experienced and used.
The method I use (and that I have taught to students) is FIRST the deep experience of connection to “source energy” or as I call it “The energy of the glittering void—Guinnungagap”.  Realizing through this experiential connection, that the Runes are gateways of frequency through which this source energy is expressed.  The Gods/Goddesses are also expressions of this energy on different levels.  YOU also are an expression of this energy on YOUR level—this backdrop of experience unites the “inner” and “outer” worlds, which is one of the main keys to successful magick!
Elhaz is the Rune that, in its office as the connection to the “Fetch” provides the ability to experience this connection.  This connection can also provide protection on both physical and spiritual planes.
In divination this Rune means generally a caution to be aware of hidden dangers, yet to have the confidence that you are protected from those dangers as long as you heed the advice to be observant.  It can in more esoteric aspects mean that you are under the tutelage of your inner Valkyrie (or higher self) and are on the path of expansion.
If ill dignified this Rune can mean that you have moved into a very unwise position regarding the current circumstances and are UNPROTECTED from hostile interests.  It can more esoterically mean that you have submerged yourself into the mundane and cut yourself off from higher consciousness.
Magickally this Rune can be used defensively to ward off hostile energies either from spirits, or from other people.  It also can be used to invoke the presence of one’s Fylgia or “Fetch”.  Again, seeing this particular magickal use of Elhaz, the importance of the connection to source energy providing the context of the Runes becomes apparent.

The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:
The Eolh-Sedge is mostly to be found in the marsh;
It grows in the water and makes a ghastly wound,
Covering with blood every warrior who touches it.

Until next time.

Dealing With Consciousness

Saturday Feb 18, 2012

Saturday Feb 18, 2012

Before we go any further with the Runes, we need to come to a general understanding of what is meant by different states of “consciousness” and how our thoughts/emotions affect that in us.
First of all, I need to make a clarification in terms.  We have all heard people talking about “dimensions” of reality, and in my opinion the term “dimensions” is an unfortunate word.  In spite of what people might actually mean by the term “dimension” what the term evokes the idea of “otherness” that is somewhat deceptive.  This is not the case, so I use the term “Layer” rather than “dimension”.  This IS splitting hairs in semantics, but the reasons will be apparent.
There are signals from cell phone towers, satellites, television and radio sources around us all the time.  We are only conscious of the signals we tune in to with appropriate devices, and while we are conscious of those signals when we tune in to them, the OTHER signals are still swirling around us undiminished.  Reality as we know it is merely the frequencies (aka LAYER) that we are tuned in to.  The energies of the universe/multiverse are expressed through a vast spectrum of frequencies or vibrations.  For the purpose of understanding the concept, let’s see these frequencies/vibrational spectrums as layers upon layers.  I hope you are following my thought here, as this is extremely difficult to explain – suffice it to say that through experience in entering these frequencies it is in my opinion the best way to describe it.  These frequencies or layers, as with the mundane signals produced by technological equipment today, are always present and occupy the same space at the same time.  The human soul and spirit also occupy multiple vibrational layers at the same time. As a general rule (with some exceptions) most people are unaware of that which is within other vibrational layers, because 1.) The collective consciousness of the race is focused on one set of vibrational frequencies, and 2.) From early childhood we are TRAINED NOT to be conscious of other vibrational frequencies.  This does not diminish the other layers at all; it just limits our experience, and prevents us from truly knowing who we are.  This ignorance also prevents us from developing our consciousness beyond that which is mortal.
For those who are a part of Har’s Hall, some techniques that can be used effectively to open your experience to become conscious of these layers will be elucidated.  The state of consciousness needed to truly and effectively perform divination with the Runes is at deeper level than what is termed “normal” consciousness.  The performance of effective Rune magick, whether it is of Galder or Seithr, requires much deeper connections and consciousness of the multiple layers of frequency/vibration that makes up existence and consciousness itself.  Anything less is playing games and making primitive art.

The mind is a powerful tool in the expansion of consciousness, and it also a great royal pain in the ass at times!  The endless chatter of the mind, narrating our experiences, voicing our worries, and just never shutting up, is a great distraction to the expansion of consciousness.  Also, the emotions that we feel constantly, due to what we think are our experiences, adds fuel to the distractions that bind us to blindness to the vibrational layers around us.  Thinking is not wrong, and certainly emotions are not wrong.  We do not need to become inhuman, unfeeling and unthinking creatures in order to become conscious of the multiple layers of existence!  We DO NEED to put things in their proper balance.
The chatter of the mind and the emotional rollercoaster many experience are actually related.  These next statements are IMPORTANT!! No one can be a true and effective adept in ANY magickal tradition if they are ruled by their PASSIONS.  No one can be a true and effective adept in ANY magickal tradition if they are ruled by their THOUGHTS!!

Emotions cannot be controlled from within an intense emotional experience.  This is a futile gesture, for that is repression which can cause one of two things to happen. 1.) You succeed in repressing the emotional state only to have it manifest through your body via illness, or through another emotional state called depression. 2.) You fail miserably in repressing the emotion and add the emotion of frustration into the mix adding even more intensity to the loss of control.  Neither of these states is desirable as they are both the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish.
Thoughts fit into this equation quite naturally as we will see.  The Hugh and the Myne of the northern soul complex shows this quite visually – note picture below.
Emotion is a FOLLOWER, not a leader both in the universe at large, and in your soul complex.  When experiencing a powerful emotional state that is not helpful to you, asking yourself “why do I feel this way?” is the absolute WRONG question to ask! You will never know anything by asking that question.  The RIGHT question to ask is “what was I thinking BEFORE I started feeling this way?” You see, emotion ALWAYS follows THOUGHT.  When you ask “what was I feeling before….” You begin to get answers like “John Doe said (insert what it was) about me…..”, “I really wanted to succeed in this job but……”, “so and so was so hot that I had to…”  You see the pattern here?  It could be any situation, person, place or thing.  Whatever you feel, you INVOKED by your thoughts! So gaining control over one’s will and consciousness actually has nothing to do with emotion at all—it has to do with your thoughts!!  You can be negative or positive in your emotional experience and the control of the emotional states themselves NOT through repression, but by how you choose to order your thoughts.
This is vital, for the deeper you go into the layers of consciousness the more dramatic are the results of your thoughts and emotions on your experience.  The control of your consciousness and thought processes can mean the difference between enlightenment and self-deception.
You can control your thoughts on many levels, and the first is through the exercise of your will.  You have free will to CHOOSE what you will focus on in your life.  You can CHOOSE to focus on the negative aspects of your life, or CHOOSE to focus on the areas of growth and expansion in your life.  This does not mean there no negative thoughts in your life when you choose to focus on expansion.  What it does mean is that you interpret everything through the lens of your focus.  Difficulties turn into learning experiences that teach you how to WIN the next time around.  Challenges turn into opportunities to put your skills into practice!  You see the difference here that I am talking about—subtle in some ways, but very powerful and different in its approach than the majority of people out there.  You no longer take the position of REACTING to life’s circumstances, but ACT on the principles of growth in your own life.  This is the first step.  The second, as important is mastering the art of true meditation whereby you learn to silence the inner narrator.  There are techniques that can bring one to that place quickly and effectively, and I will make some of those techniques that I have learned through the years of my own practice available to the public very soon.  This art of true meditation is more than mere relaxation, but allows one to build communication and practice through the layers of vibration regardless of one’s tradition.  In our own tradition of the North, some of these layers would correspond with the nine worlds of Yggdrasill!

Start by choosing every day to accept the fact that your focus determines your reality, and your EXPERIENCE of that reality.  Then choose to see what benefits your growth in every situation you face.  Over time you will notice a major difference in how you feel about yourself, others, and the world around you.  Meditate several times a week, learning to experience the energies of the universe without the inner narrator.  REALIZE that the Runes we are talking about are symbols of energetic frequencies (layers) that are present everywhere all the time, and that through opening your consciousness to this growth, you are enabling yourself to HEAR THEIR SONG, which already resonates not only through the universe, but through your own soul!  You are opening your eyes to see the World Tree that has always been within you.

Until next time.


Tuesday Feb 14, 2012

Tuesday Feb 14, 2012

**A great time in session 2 of the Asatru & Ancient Runes course!  All of you who attended were truly wonderful! This was a session that dealt a lot more with the actual invocation of Runic power than with theory, and even with this being introductory work the energy that manifested was palpable.  I hope that those of you in attendance wrote down your experiences as I know there were energies present for each one of you.  The connection with the primal energies of creation is vital as without it Rune work falls into the category of “primitive art”.  The soul of the world and the universe fills the galder with power as blood through your veins brings energy to your body.

Elder Futhark: Perthro, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Peorth, Not present on the Younger Futhark or the Armanen Futhorc

The Rune Perthro refers to the “dice cup” used in games of chance.  Under most circumstances this Rune is seen as a sign of “good fortune” as it has connotations of taking chances based on luck.  Luck was seen as a power at work in the soul complex of a person that could be amplified in power or decreased by right or wrong action respectively.  Perthro is also related to the Nornir  as the effectiveness of “luck” was dictated by Wyrd through Orlog (past action).

In divination Perthro can mean that the time has come to “put your money where your mouth is” and take a chance on a new endeavour with an adventurous spirit that looks for whatever may come.  It is a positive energy that in the Rune poems is equated with the hilarity and gaming spirit of warriors in the beer hall.
If ill dignified by other runes around it, Perthro can be a warning that you are taking UNECCESSARY risks that may not pan out for you like you would intend!  Games of chance can be fun, but more so for the winner of the game than the one who has to “pay up”!

Perthro is absorbed in the Younger Futhark, and Armanen Futhorc by the Rune Bjarkan or Bar respectively.  The energy of Bjarkan (the Elder Berkano) being one of life/death and the bringing out into manifestation that which has gestated fits into this absorption of the Perthro energy.  We will discuss this more when we get to Berkano.

Magickally Perthro can be used in rites to increase the energy of the “luck” (Old Norse Hamminga) in the soul complex.  This is effective especially when used with the Rune Fehu (in the expansive fire aspect) and Tiwaz (in its role of victory through right action).  There are other combinations as well, but you will have to get to know the Runic energies yourself to discern them.
Negatively, if Perthro is used incorrectly, addictions of various sorts can be intensified.  This can refer to chemical dependencies, gambling and even physical addictions (such as sexual addictions etc.)  This is where something positive can become negative due to imbalance—too much of a good thing can harm you on all levels especially when dealing with primal energies.  You can tell this plainly by honestly answering the question “Do the things that please me control me? OR do I control them?”

The next post that comes is going to be a “break” post that will discuss one major theme that seems to be the stumbling stone for almost all in the mystical/magical arts regardless of tradition.  It will be on the subject of EMOTIONS and MIND.  Perthro is a great Rune to introduce this subject, and this subject will elucidate your practice with all the preceding Runes, as well as the ones to follow!  How does one control the thoughts in their mind—the emotions that run wild?  How does one achieve balance?  Perthro introduces us to this, and we will address it, so stay tuned for the next post—it will be worthwhile to you.

The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:
Peorth is a source of recreation and amusement to the great,
Where warriors sit blithely together in the beer hall.

Copyright 2012 Daniel Updike. All rights reserved.

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