Tuesday Feb 28, 2012



Elder Futhark: Elhaz/Algiz,  Anglo-Saxon Futhorc: Eolh, Not present in the Younger or Armanen rows.  Is absorbed by the Runes Madhr, Man and Yrr respectively.

The Rune Elhaz is an important Rune which has both protective attributes and aspects of deep connection.  It is the energy invoked from the Elder and Anglo-Saxon rows for protection from both physical harm, and spiritual attack.  It can be used both in defensive and offensive ways, and is an energy that can wound both physically and spiritually.

It is also the Rune most associated with the Fylgia or “Fetch”.  This is the inner Valkyrie that is the part of the person’s complex that is the equivalent to the “holy guardian angel”, or the “daemon”—(fancy word for “higher genius”) in other systems.  This is the connection one must have in order to traverse the nine realms of the World Tree, and to achieve true enlightenment!

The method of achieving mastery of the Runes used by many is based on a process of meditation and use of each Rune in succession along the path of the aetts, thus granting one degrees of initiation into their mysteries.  My view and experience in regards to this method can be summed up in one word: BALLOCHS!

The Rune masters of old from  all appearances DID learn the Runes according to a progression through the Aetts, BUT they underwent an initiatory process PRIOR to their learning the in depth esoteric meanings behind the Rune staves.  The verses in the Havamal where we read of Odin’s self-sacrifice in winning the Runes, is a classic tale of shamanic initiation.  This would have given the budding Rune master the BACKDROP to the energetic powers of the Runes—the context in which they are to be experienced and used.

The method I use (and that I have taught to students) is FIRST the deep experience of connection to “source energy” or as I call it “The energy of the glittering void—Guinnungagap”.  Realizing through this experiential connection, that the Runes are gateways of frequency through which this source energy is expressed.  The Gods/Goddesses are also expressions of this energy on different levels.  YOU also are an expression of this energy on YOUR level—this backdrop of experience unites the “inner” and “outer” worlds, which is one of the main keys to successful magick!

Elhaz is the Rune that, in its office as the connection to the “Fetch” provides the ability to experience this connection.  This connection can also provide protection on both physical and spiritual planes.

In divination this Rune means generally a caution to be aware of hidden dangers, yet to have the confidence that you are protected from those dangers as long as you heed the advice to be observant.  It can in more esoteric aspects mean that you are under the tutelage of your inner Valkyrie (or higher self) and are on the path of expansion.

If ill dignified this Rune can mean that you have moved into a very unwise position regarding the current circumstances and are UNPROTECTED from hostile interests.  It can more esoterically mean that you have submerged yourself into the mundane and cut yourself off from higher consciousness.

Magickally this Rune can be used defensively to ward off hostile energies either from spirits, or from other people.  It also can be used to invoke the presence of one’s Fylgia or “Fetch”.  Again, seeing this particular magickal use of Elhaz, the importance of the connection to source energy providing the context of the Runes becomes apparent.

The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:

The Eolh-Sedge is mostly to be found in the marsh;

It grows in the water and makes a ghastly wound,

Covering with blood every warrior who touches it.

Until next time.

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